Today the first step was taken - we put our name and paid the deposit to get on the waiting list for a live aboard slot at the local marina. No, we don't own a boat that we could actually live on, yet. But have been looking. They told us that the expected wait was anywhere for a few months to a year or so. Not exactly the time frame we were hoping for, but I guess it will do.
Yesterday we went and looked at several local marina's and the one we liked best of course has the longest waiting list. At the moment we have just decided to put our name on one list, we might talk it over and decide later to do something different.
Our 4 year old is very interested and wants to know exactly: when are we going to move onto a boat? It is pretty cute, he is trying so hard to get us to say "in X days Sweetheart we will move onto a boat". I am so sorry, I don't have a good answer for him.
The lease on our house is up in mid-October, and our dream is to move directly onto the currently theoretical sailboat at that time. We will just keep praying and if this is what is supposed to happen, I am sure it will.